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Papers em destaque

Novamente, artigos de pesquisadores do INCT de Processos Redox em Biomedicina receberam destaque nas revistas em que foram publicados.

O periódico Dalton Transactions considerou como “Hot Article” o artigo Direct evidence of singlet molecular oxygen generation from peroxynitrate, a decomposition product of peroxynitrite, do Professor Paolo Di Mascio e colaboradores (Sayuri Miyamoto, Graziella E. Ronsein, Thaís C. Corrêa, Glaucia R. Martinez, Marisa H. G. Medeiros). (Dalton Trans., 2009, 5720 - 5729, DOI: 10.1039/b905560f).


Direct evidence of singlet molecular oxygen generation from peroxynitrate, a decomposition product of peroxynitrite

Sayuri Miyamoto, Graziella E. Ronsein, Thaís C. Corrêa, Glaucia R. Martinez, Marisa H. G. Medeiros and Paolo Di Mascio

The decomposition of peroxynitrite to nitrite and dioxygen at neutral pH follows complex kinetics, compared to its isomerization to nitrate at low pH. Decomposition may involve radicals or proceed by way of the classical peracid decomposition mechanism. Peroxynitrite (ONOOH/ONOO-) decomposition has been proposed to involve formation of peroxynitrate (O2NOOH/O2NOO-) at neutral pH (D. Gupta, B. Harish, R. Kissner and W. H. Koppenol, Dalton Trans., 2009, DOI: 10.1039/b905535e, see accompanying paper in this issue). Peroxynitrate is unstable and decomposes to nitrite and dioxygen. This study aimed to investigate whether O2NOO- formed upon ONOOH/ONOO- decomposition generates singlet molecular oxygen [O2 (1 g)]. As unequivocally revealed by the measurement of monomol light emission in the near infrared region at 1270 nm and by chemical trapping experiments, the decomposition of ONOO- or O2NOOH at neutral to alkaline pH generates O2 (1 g) at a yield of ca. 1% and 2–10%, respectively. Characteristic light emission, corresponding to O2 (1 g) monomolecular decay was observed for ONOO- and for O2NOOH prepared by reaction of H2O2 with NO2BF4 and of H2O2 with NO2- in HClO4. The generation of O2 (1 g) from ONOO- increased in a concentration-dependent manner in the range of 0.1–2.5 mM and was dependent on pH, giving a sigmoid profile with an apparent pKa around pD 8.1 (pH 7.7). Taken together, our results clearly identify the generation of O2 (1 g) from peroxynitrate [O2NOO- NO2- + O2 (1 g)] generated from peroxynitrite and also from the reactions of H2O2 with either NO2BF4 or NO2- in acidic media.

Graphical abstract image for this article  (ID: b905560f)


    A revisão Exocyclic DNA adducts: Challenges in developing methods for clinical studies, da Professora Marisa Medeiros, não apenas foi capa da Chemical Research in Toxicology (CRT), revista da American Chemical Society, como também foi destacada e recomendada pelo editor da revista.  (Chem. Res. Toxicol., 2009, 22 (3), pp 419–425 DOI: 10.1021/tx800367d).

O comentário a respeito da revisão foi o seguinte:


Special Features

A quick look at this month's In This Issue reveals a prevalence of articles on DNA damage and DNA damaging agents. This was a purely chance occurrence, resulting from the recommendations of reviewers and editors, but it illustrates the relevance that the topic of DNA damage continues to have for mechanistic toxicology. Thus, the review by Marisa Medeiros (p 419) on exocyclic DNA adducts as biomarkers of lipid oxidation is particularly timely. Be sure to take advantage of this opportunity to learn more about this important topic.

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